
In the maze of the soul it is sometimes difficult to find the right way. Our life situations seem to be hopeless sometimes, we think there is no solution for the problem we have. The first step on the way towards us is the belief and the desperation, that we can take control over our lives. The solution exists, we only need to find it, and create the change we are longing for.
On the way we don’t need to be alone. We can choose an attendant, who can see us from an independent, outer prospect, and shows us a mirror, in which we can recognize our unbiased, real being, who we really are. The one who can help us to discover our secret source, that we could’t find yet, and we don’t know how to use it’s healing potential.
Your psychologist can help you to achieve this. You are not told what to do and how to do it, but you can find the support to find your way where you can experience the recognitions you need. That’s how your fundamental recognitions gain real transformative power.
The science of psychologie knows the anatomy of the soul and it is familiar with bizzare or shady phenomena as well. But it still needs an autentic mediator, who takes the role of the attendant, the psychologist with heart and hand.
That what I am offering you.
Sara E. Tobias
Healing connection
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