Anger is a natural, adaptive response to threats; it inspires powerful, often aggressive, feelings and behaviors, which allow us to fight and to defend ourselves when we are attacked. A certain amount of anger, therefore, is necessary to our survival. Is It Good To “Let it All Hang Out?” Psychologists now say that this is a dangerous myth. Some people use this theory as a license to hurt others. Research has found that “letting it rip” with anger actually escalates anger and aggression and does nothing to help you to resolve the situation. It’s best to find out what it is that triggers your anger, and then to develop strategies to keep those triggers from tipping you over the edge.
Based on the knowledge you can learn on the one-day long training, Anger management Academy workshops are designed to help you to deepen and develop your basic anger management skills. Are you interested in exploring how your skills can be improved? Let’s talk about it! Discover the necessary tools even more deeper and share your experiences how you can implement it in your everyday life. Here’s what you get on Anger Management Academy workshops:
• Understand anger dynamics
• Know techniques in controlling anger
• Understand hot buttons and personal anger dynamics
• Practice how to communicate in a non-violent way
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New appointment
25th March
10:00 am.- 18:00 pm.
Theory and practice, nice environment in a group of max. 10 participants

Basics of anger
Mindfulness techniques in anger management: Why breathing is so important in managing anger?